The Get to Know Me Tag: Writer's Edition

Friday, June 1, 2018

It's time for a tag! And not just any tag... It's the Get to Know Me Tag: Writer's Edition, created by my friend Savannah @ Inspiring Writes. Thank you for letting me steal this tag, True! =) I've been wanting to do this for a long time and am so excited! Before we jump into the fun, we have some rules... 

The Rules
- link back to the person who created the tag - 
- thank the person who tagged you - 
- share the tag graphic (I kinda made my own... *hides face*)- 
- tag eleven bloggers (this rule might be broken xD) -
Vital Stats And Appearance

Name: Micaiah Saldaña

Nicknames: My dad will sometimes call me Caiah, but that's about it.

Birthday: March 3rd.

Righty or lefty: Righty.

Ethnicity: Half Mexican, a quarter Filipino, and a quarter white. =)

And for the questions I skipped... *points to above photo*

First novel written: I'm going to go with Light in the Dark here, a serial I posted on my old blog. It just.... Never got finished. Ever. And I don't know if I want to go back and see all the messiness. xD 

First novel completed: Runaway was my first "novel" that I finished, but since that's in a notebook I don't know the exact word count. I still refer to it as my first novel though. xD

First award for writing: I got a second place award in Tessa Emily Hall's Monday's Minute Challenge. It was small, but I was so excited and kept sending in pieces. I ended up getting first place a couple times after I started honing my skills. *flexes writing muscles* xD

First publication: First publication... I had a few articles published in PURSUE magazine (check out the new issue here!), but my first piece of fiction to be published will be my short story Dear Jamie, Love Rory. And guys. IT COMES OUT NEXT MONTH!!!!

I hope to see you all here at Notebooks and Novels on July 19th, which is Dear Jamie, Love Rory's release date and the kick off day for a blog party I'm planning to celebrate its release! =D 

First conference: I haven't attended any writing conferences yet, but I am working towards a trip to an ACFW conference. =D

First query/pitch: Nothing here either.... YET. ;)


Novel (that you wrote): Ummm..... The one I'm working on now. Currently it's in the idea/brainstorm/find-an-actual-plot stage, but I'm calling it Where Has the Sun Gone right now. I already love it!

Genre: I've dabbled everywhere and it is SO HARD TO CHOOSE. Can I just say anything that falls under the YA Christian umbrella? Yes? Thank you. =)


Writing Music: Anything Fleurie and Ruelle, although I listened to a lot of alternative/folk-style music for Dear Jamie, Love Rory.

Time To Write: At night before I go to bed. Like right now. *innocent whistling*

Writing Snack/Drink: Salted caramel hot chocolate and anything sweet/baked/bad for me. Lately I've been making Nutella strawberry sandwiches and eating Sour Patch Kids. SO GOOD.

Movie: Ummmm...... Every Marvel movie ever made? xD To be honest, if I could only pick one movie, it'd be Pride and Prejudice (the Keira Knightley version). That movie.... <3 <3 <3

Writing Memory: It's a tie between seeing an email saying that I won One Teen Story's writing contest and having my mentor Tessa Emily Hall come to lunch at my house. <3

Childhood Book: AGAIN I CANNOT PICK. I loved reading as a little kid as much as I do now, so it's nearly impossible to pick a favorite out of everything I read. But if I have to pick, it'd be the Chronicles of Narnia and The Jesus Storybook Bible. My dad read them aloud to my sisters and I when we were little, and I have such fond memories of them. Besides, they're books I still enjoy today. =)


Reading: Porch Swing Girl by Taylor Bennet (see my interview with her here). It's so good! <3

Writing: A story about selkies, a rogue Fae, an English earl, a boy who tells the best stories, and a girl with eyes the color of the Sea. I plan on sending it to Spring Song Press this month. =) I'm also brainstorming THE STORY. We shall see where all that thinking goes. =) I know for sure that it'll have lots of dessert.... xD

^^^^Lots of desserts like this. <3

Listening to: Lots and lots of dreamy Fleurie music. Have I mentioned that it's the best? AND HER NEW MUSIC VIDEO OH MY WORD. Click here to be amazed, and to have a great new song stuck in your head.

Watching: I'm excited to watch The Flash season 4 (it's now on Netflix!) and am also hoping to rewatch Downton Abbey, my favorite tv show.

Learning: That new isn't always terrible or scary and that it's okay to take what feels like forever searching for and writing the story of your heart.


Want To Be Published: YES YES YES YES. I would love to publish a novel of mine one day! =D

Indie or Traditional: Both. I think it would be fun to publish a novella indie style and publish a novel traditionally. =)

^^^^Aren't inspirational quotes the best?

Wildest Goal: To write a timeless classic that would be ranked alongside the works of Dickens, Austen, Brontë, and other greats, and for it to be as heartbreaking and touching as Francine Rivers' Redeeming Love. A girl can dream, right?

I Tag...

Anyone who loves Pride and Prejudice, ice cream, Downton Abbey, and salted caramel hot chocolate. Also, we could totally be best friends if you love all of that stuff. Think of all the binge watching and junk food.....

Do you like Downton Abbey? What is one of your wildest goals/dreams? Have you listened to "Constellate"? What is one of your favorite desserts? Let's chat, friends! =) 


  1. XD You were fast to steal this! But I loved reading your answers. I'd never heard of Fleurie before, but the song you posted a link to is so pretty - and the animation is so cute! Thanks for a new addition to my playlist! Also - congrats on Dear Jamie, Love Rory!!!! I'm definitely looking forward to it being published soon!

    ~True //

    1. Haha, I was! Your tag came at a perfect time because I needed something to post, and it was so much fun! And you're welcome! I hope you listen to more of her music, she has some great stuff! And thank you! <3 I hope that you get to read it! =)

  2. I haven't gotten around to watching Downton Abbey yet but I think I must! A lot of my friends (yourself now included) have sung its praises :D
    You have such great answers!
    ~ Abby

  3. I loved learning more about you, and your current wip sounds AMAZING.

  4. Season 4 of Flash is really good, hope you like it.

  5. This is such a cool tag! XD But why did you post that cake. Because now I want to eat it. :| *sighs*

    Danielle |

    1. Thanks! Haha, I want to eat it too! I definitely need some cake now... xD

  6. I LOVE THIS TAG!! =)

    And my wildest dream is to have something I write bless someone as much as the Lord of the Rings has blessed me. . . so yeah, a girl can dream. <3 You go get it, friend!


    1. Thank you! It was so much, Savannah did a great job creating it! =D

      That's a great dream! You can totally do it, Hanna-you're a great writer! <3 And thank you-you're the sweetest! *hugs* Let's go chase our dreams! =D

  7. Oh my goodness, I can't wait to read your short story! It was so fun getting to know you better, Micaiah!


    1. Aw, thank you so much, Catherine! I can't wait for you to read it as well! =)


Yay, you've decided to leave a comment! I absolutely LOVE hearing from my readers and can't wait to see what you have to say. Be sure to check back for my response, as I do my best to respond to all of your notes! =)

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