A Bookish Quiz

Saturday, January 13, 2018

I love books. I love the smell and feel of their pages, the look of the covers, and the stories they hold. Some of my favorite books are classics. What’s a classic? Here is my totally unprofessional opinion: Classics are tried and true novels that have stood the test of time and will continue to do so because they are THAT GOOD. I’ve read quite a few classic novels and still have a LOT to catch up on (A Tale of Two Cities and Don Quixote are on my list right now). Would you care to take a rather bookish quiz on some classic novels and their authors? =)
Also...Giveaway and Writing Contest!
I can't get over how beautiful these are!
Don't forget to enter the giveaway and writing contest going on so you can win one of these fabulous bookmarks! =) Click here to see all the details and enter. I hope to be able to read some more of y'alls lovely writing soon! =)

How’d you do in the quiz? =D Did you learn anything new? Have you read any of the books that were featured in the quiz? What is your favorite classic novel? What is one of your favorite quotes from a classic novel? Come on over to the comments section and let’s chat!


  1. Well, I missed a few. *hides in shame* I didn't know the Brontes had another sister, though - that's really cool. Oh, and good job of including LOTR. :D

    My favorite quote: "Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold." What's yours?

    Brianna | noendofbooks.blogspot.com

    1. It's alright, a while ago I would've missed everything on Brontë. =) Thank you!

      Oh, I love that quote! The Outsiders is so good! My favorite? Oh, that's so hard since I have so many! If I have to pick one right now, it'd be "Not all those who wander are lost."

    2. Yeah, I'm a little behind on my classic romances. :D

      It IS!! Oh, I love that poem! Every time one of my friends quotes a line, I finish the entire poem from memory, and then they just look at me. But they're fangirls too, so it's all good. XD It just doesn't get better than LOTR.


    3. Haha, LOTR is pretty awesome. My other favorite line from that poem is "All that is gold does not glitter." Great job on memorizing it! I'm not great at memorizing or remembering, well, anything. xD

    4. For sure! Ah yes, I love that line too. I didn't actually mean to memorize it, it just kind of . . . happened. :D I'd love to be able to remember useful things, but only the trivia sticks. Actually, you remember more than you think - you don't have to relearn everything from the past school year, right? :D

    I didn't know that was going to happen xD I surprise myself, lol.
    My favorite classic bounces around, but it's usually "Anne of Green Gables" or "A Little Princess", but I'm reading "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" right now and I'm really enjoying it! Oh, and of course Narnia is the best. ^.^

    ~ Abby

    1. *confetti* Hooray! =D Good job!

      A Little Princess is my favorite of Francis Hodgson Burnett's novels, but it's a close tie with The Secret Garden. I still haven't read Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. *hides face*

  3. I got all except the last question. I could have sworn King Peter was in Horse and His Boy..... maybe it was just Susan...


    1. That one can be confusing, since Edmund, Lucy, and Susan are all in there, but not him. He is mentioned though.

  4. That was fun!! I did terrible....but hey!! I was totally sure about the ones I got right!! ;-P

  5. I'm at school right now, and my friend was looking over my shoulder and correcting my answers. I still got a few wrong though :(

    And my favorite ones on the quiz were definitely Pride and Prejudice + Lord of the Rings.

    1. I hope that you and your friend had fun doing the quiz, even if a couple were wrong. =)

      Those are some of my favorites too. =D

  6. I got them all right, except for Anne Bronte. I knew she wrote Agnes Grey, and I knew the Tenant of Wildfell Hall was written by A Bronte, but I couldn't remember which :D Cool idea, :D

    1. A little while ago, I didn't even know that there was a third Brontë! I only learned that after reading about Charlotte and her family. And thank you. =)

  7. I love classics! They are some of my favorite books out there. I love Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, and other books by the Bronte sister. But I haven't yet read The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. I also love Jane Austen as well. Do any of you have particular favorites when it comes to classic authors/classics?


    1. Mine too! You can't go wrong with a classic. =) I still haven't read Wuthering Heights (*hides face*), but Jane Eyre is my favorite so far!

      Favorites? Hmmm... Jane Austen is probably my favorite classic author, to be honest. I love how her novels critique the world of her time and yet are so entertaining with unexpected plot twists and a dash of romance. =) Besides, she has so many lovely quotes!

    2. Jane Austen is a great choice :). I enjoy her books a lot as well. If you like Jane Eyre, then I think you will like Wuthering Heights. They kind of have the same tone/style.

    3. I'm glad you like Jane Austen as well! *high five* I'll definitely have to read Wuthering Heights soon then! =D


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