What Am I? ~ A Shakespearean Sonnet

Friday, August 31, 2018

Sometimes when I am left to ponder,

The roll of the clouds, the glow of the moon, the soar of an eagle, the height of the sky, 

I, like a child, can't help but wonder, 

In all of this, what am I? 

The roar of the storm, the ocean wide,

Spirals of rock, evergreens, ethereal flowers and mountain kings, 

A bow of color in the sky, the ebb and flow of the passing tide,

What am I, amidst all of this creation that sings

The yawn of a canyon, the crescendo of light, 

Scampering does, skittering leaves, fluttering birds, towering trees,

The dance of stars in a dark blue night,

What am I, amidst all of these? 

Perhaps it is not what I am that I should dwell on, nor on all of this majesty,
But rather, on the hands that made all of this, and me


  1. Micaiah, this is WONDERFUL! I love the rhyming... so gorgeous! :D

  2. Woah, this is cool! That last line especially is great! :)

  3. Beautiful. I love sonnets and have written a few myself. :)

    1. Thank you, Rachel! I love sonnets as well. They are one of my favorite forms of poetry. =)

  4. So beautiful!! <3 Thank you for directing our eyes back to the Creator :)

  5. Oh this is so beautiful!! There are so many gorgeous phrases in here. <3 Wonderful work!

    1. I'm so glad that you find this beautiful. <3 Thank you!

  6. Wow, such beautiful and powerful words! Thank you. xx

  7. Beautiful post! Those pictures are amazing!

  8. Those words created a lot of impact and had a lot of deep meaning :) Beautiful job Micaiah!



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