The Movie Book Tag

Friday, November 24, 2017

Lights, cameras, action!  Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for me to unveil a tag of my own invention: THE MOVIE BOOK TAG. *throws popcorn and confetti* I can't believe that I have finally gotten around to making my own tag! And it's about books. Books and movies. Almost as good as books and cookies, right? =D 
The Rules
Thank the person that tagged you and link back to the original creator (ME!). 
Answer all eight questions.
Tag at least two other bloggers. 
The Questions and Answers
Books or movies, which are better? 
Books. Hands down, books. Why have I even included this as a question?! *see above gif* No offense, movies, but you don't smell as good or look as pretty on shelves. Just saying.
What book needs to be made into a movie RIGHT NOW?

For me, it’s a tie between Nadine Brandes’s A Time To Die and Joanne Bischof’s To Get To You. Both would be such epic movies, with aaaalllll the feels and shrieks and confetti and the need for sequels. *sighs*
What movie adaption of a book has disappointed you the most?
The entire Percy Jackson movie series. I watched the movies and died a little inside. *insert popcorn throwing and weeping here* First of all, the movies barely even stuck to the true story in the books. Second of all… The books are just so much better. Period. *more weeping*
What movie adaption of a book has made you throw confetti and walk away happy?
The Hunger Games movies left me a very happy human being—the only one that disappointed me was Mockingjay Part One. *Snoopy happy dance* But other than that, I felt that they did a pretty good job staying true to the original books, not to mention the superb acting brought Katniss and the world around her to life. *throws confetti* MAY THE ODDS BE EVER IN YOUR FAVOR.
What movie adaption of a book have you seen, but never read the book it’s based on?
Gah, I am SO guilty of watching movies and yet not seeing the books that they are based off of. But if I have to pick one that I REALLY need to read, it'd be The Book Thief. I loved the movie so much, and now I need to read the actual book. Wow, every time I do a post, I end up with a longer TBR list. #bloggerproblems
What book have you read, but never seen the movie adaption of?
*puts on a thinking cap* I don't think that I have ever read a book and never seen its movie adaption. It's usually the other way around (see above). Which is SO SAD. That just means I should be reading more.... *barricades self in room with aaaalllll the books* 
Who would star in the movie adaption of your current WIP? 
Ooooohhhh this is a hard one! *takes a look at my character board* For Second Star To The Right, I'd pick Georgie Henley to play Jane Darling. She just looks like Jane and seems soft-spoken and gentle yet strong-like Jane. Peter would be the hardest for me to cast, since he's once of the most complicated characters in the whole story. Maybe Josh Hutcherson?

Captain Hook is easier though. He'd just be a teenage version of Colin O'Donoghue,you know, the guy who plays Captain Hook from Once Upon A Time. He's seriously the best Hook EVER. Don't argue with me, because you KNOW it is the truth, okay? Okay. Now, next question...
When the credits roll after the movie adaption of the WIP you discussed above, what song will be playing?
Ruth B's "Lost Boy" for SURE would be playing in the credits. That's the song that has inspired this whole story, the one that has put fairies and never growing up and Lost Boys in my imagination. *insert happy, dreamy sighs here*
The Questions (Again) xD
1. Books or movies, which are better?
2. What book needs to be made into a movie RIGHT NOW?
3. What movie adaption of a book has disappointed you the most?
4. What movie adaption of a book has made you throw confetti and walk away extremely happy?
5. What movie adaption of a book have you seen, but never read the book it's based on?
6. What book have you read, but never seen the movie adaption of?
7. If your WIP was turned into a movie, who would play the main character(s)? 
8. When the credits roll after the movie adaption of the WIP you discussed above, what song will be playing? 
I Tag...
Anyone who wants to do this tag (yes, I know, I'm breaking my own rule)! I'd love to see lots of you take this tag and have fun with it. =D If you do, you can use the graphic at the tippy-top of this post for your post. And let me know if you do this tag so that I can hop over to your blog and check out your answers! =)

Since we're not in a library or a movie theatre, now we get to TALK!!!! Will you be doing this tag? Which do YOU prefer, books or movies? What is one of your favorite books? One of your favorite movies? Grab some popcorn and a soda (or cookies and cocoa, whatever you'd like) and let's chat in the comments! 


  1. Oh, this tag looks like so much fun! Maybe I'll do it sometime this week. Ugh, I've never seen The Hunger Games, but I need to so badly! I think it would be interesting to see The Penderwicks in a movie version. I don't know, it's just such a sweet story, you know? <3

    ~ Ella Marie

    1. I hope that you do get to do it, I'd love to see your answers! =) You definitely need to see them, they are SO GOOD. *gasps* THE PENDERWICKS WOULD BE AMAZING!!!! I actually attempted to write a script for a movie version of the Penderwicks but never finished it. It needs to be made into a movie. Now.

    2. YES IT WOULD! I just love Jeffrey. Really? That's so cool! Yes, ASAP.

  2. Ahh yes I want to do this tag! Your answers were A+, also. :D
    ~ Abby {}

  3. Micaiah, this tag looks amazing... and really fun! I'd love to do it sometime soon! =)

    1. Thank you, Madeline! =) I'd love to see your answers!

  4. I think I may steal this tag too, this one looks like fun!!

    I totally agree, Lost Boy would be perfect for a credits song!


    1. Yes, please do! =D The more the merrier!

      *high five* Great minds think alike! =)

    2. I did! Here you go!

  5. This tag looks great, Micaiah! I think it could generate a lot of... discussion. [Read: fangirls screaming.] xD

    (My answer to #6 is the Hunger Games - I've read the books, but not seen the movies!)
    - Jem Jones

    1. Thanks, Jem! Haha, so true! xD

      What?! *internally screams* You must see the movies, they are AMAZING!

  6. Hey there! I tagged you for the 2017 Liebster Award. If you've already been tagged, then hey, you're popular! If not, check it out and have fun!

    -Evan from

    1. Aw, thanks, Evangeline! =) I have been tagged for a Liebster Award, but this one looks different from the one I did, so I think I might give it a go. =) Thanks again!


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