Four Things I Wish I Knew When I Was A New Blogger

Saturday, January 20, 2018

All of these blogoversary celebrations (enter the bookmark giveaway and writing contest here, and take part in a fun quiz here) can't help but bring back memories of my old blogs, Ramblings of a Writer and A Little Bit of Everything. I can't believe how far I've come! But looking back, I wish that, as a new blogger, I knew more about blogging. Here are four things I wish I knew as a new blogger:
You Don't Have To Post Something All. The. Time.
When I first started blogging, I thought it was requirement set in stone to publish something, anything once every couple days. The more posts, the better, right? 
While there is absolutely nothing wrong with posting super often, for me as a new blogger, it wasn't a good habit to have. Instead of focusing on the quality of my blog's content I was focusing on quantity. When I first started out as a blogger, I wish that someone had told me that I needn't need to post all the time. Then, I think that I might have grown in the quality of the content I was putting out sooner. 
You CAN Do It.
When I first started out, blogging was a little intimidating. There was so much to figure out! Schedules, design, posts, pages... At times, I wondered if I would ever get the hang of it! How am I going to make my blog look the way I want it to without spending tons of money? How am I going to come up with something worth reading? How am I even going to find readers if I only know three other bloggers?

But now that I've been blogging for awhile, I've learned that I CAN do this thing. When I first started blogging, I wish that I was more confident that I could totally rock the whole blogging thing. If you're a new blogger, remember: YOU CAN DO THIS.
It Isn't Easy, But It's Worth It.
But blogging isn't easy.  No, blogging is hard. It’s hard coming up with new ideas. It’s hard disciplining yourself to write posts. It’s hard figuring out design. But it is so worth EVERYTHING. I absolutely love blogging, and the blogging friends I’ve made are the best!
Blog About What You Love. 
My number one tip for new bloggers: Blog about what you love and keep being you. Try not to get caught up in what other bloggers are doing and keep your voice your own. That’s what will truly make your blog stand out. I wish that someone had reminded me of this when I was a newbie blogger!

So there you have it, everyone! Four things I wish I knew as a new blogger. How about you? If you've been blogging for a while, what are some things you wish you knew when you first started? If you're a new blogger, what are your thoughts on blogging so far? For all bloggers, what is the hardest part about blogging? The best part? Let's get together in the comments and chat, y'all! =D 


  1. So true!! My blogging is somewhat sporadic because I do choose to write when I feel like it...but there is a very distinct pressure that I should blog more consistently. And I had to learn the hard way not to blog about something that I wasn't thrilled about writing. *cough first blog cough*

    Great post, Micaiah!!


    1. I totally understand sporadic blogging! I've been trying to keep a good schedule but, well... Let's just say that I have to scramble to get it done. xD

      Thank you, Catherine! =)

  2. I have been blogging off and on for many years now and I can say these are great tips!

  3. Honestly I've been following you for awhile and I don't even know how long...lovely color scheme, and that typewriter in the header is so cute. I've been blogging since about 2014-15. And yes, blogging can be hard, but it's so worth it!

    1. Aw, thank you so much! I got the theme from Dutch Lady Digi Designs on Etsy and the designer did a fabulous job! Wow, that's awesome that you've been blogging for that long! Thanks for stopping by to leave a comment. =)

  4. I'm kind of new at blogging... I started it in October 2017 and I'm really loving it! I think one of my hardest things was getting followers but my good friend gave me advise. Now I'm on the ball! :) Thank you for your advise!

    Lily @

    1. Congrats on starting blogging! =) And you're welcome! Now I'm heading over to see your blog. =)

  5. Love this!
    And I SO enjoyed taking your quiz in the last post! I LOVED how you worded the answer to the last question. =)

    1. Thank you, Hanna! =)

      Aw, I'm so glad that you enjoyed the quiz! Haha, thank you! =D


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