Writing Prompt Contest + Giveaway

Friday, January 5, 2018

I absolutely love writing prompt challenges. For me, it’s so exciting to brainstorm a gazillion story ideas after looking at just one picture, a couple words, or a phrase. To continue celebrating Notebooks and Novels’ one year blogoversary (see what all of the fuss is about here), I’m hosting a writing prompt contest here on my blog, judged by yours truly. =) And the best part? The winner gets an adorable bookmark (the same one I'll be giving away!) Oh, that's right, I'm hosting a GIVEAWAY!!!! =D I'll let you in on it a little more later. But first, the rules for the writing prompt contest… 
The Rules
Your entry must be between 150-400 words long.
Your entry must include a notebook and a novel OR the following phrase: This was never part of the plan. 
Please submit your entry via the Google Form below. You may submit as many entries as you’d like. 
The deadline is on January 21. The winner will be announced and notified on January 26. 

I can’t wait to read what you all come up with! =) 
The bookmarks I've been babbling about... You've gotta love them! 
And now it's time for that giveaway I was talking about! I'm giving away a GORGEOUS wooden bookmark made by nicolettenotes on Etsy (Nicolette has some beautiful stuff in her shop-check it out!). Isn't it gorgeous? =D I had to get one for myself as well, of course... Enter below for your chance to win one! =)

a Rafflecopter giveaway
NOTE: This giveaway is for U.S. residents only-sorry. =( However, the contest is not. But if one of my international followers wins, I won't be able to send the bookmark prize. But I will send an ebook copy of one of my favorite books, Unwritten Melody by Tessa Emily Hall.

Do you like writing prompt challenges? What is your favorite type of writing prompt? Will you be submitting an entry? How about entering the giveaway? C’mon, let’s talk! =D


  1. I am seriously so excited to enter this, Micaiah! I LOVE giveaways, and that bookmark is so cute. <3 Now I just need to start brainstorming prompts...

    ~ Ella Marie

    1. I'm glad that you'll be entering, Ella! =) I can't wait to read what you come up with!

  2. HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY!!!! <333 and thank you SO MUCH for the giveaway! I entered!!

    - Maddy | littlebitofsunshineweb.blogspot.com

    1. Aw, thanks so much! =) And you're welcome! I'm glad that you've entered the giveaway!

  3. This sound so fun! I'm probably entering :) And happy blogoversary!!!

    1. I hope that you do-I'd love to read your entry! Thanks! =)

  4. Oh fun! I love working with prompts! I'll have to go see what I can come up with.

    1. Working with prompts is so much fun! Looking forward to seeing what you'll write. =)

  5. Ooh, fun! I'll definitely be thinking! =)

    1. =D I hope I get to read some more of your writing! =)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Thank you for the giveaway!


  8. Happy blogoversary! Hope to find time this afternoon to write a short story. I love writing prompts. :)


    1. Thanks, Hailey! I just read your short story and am IN LOVE with it! =) Thanks for entering!

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