Top 5 Writerly Fears

Saturday, March 24, 2018

We're all scared of something, although many of us don't like to admit it. Spiders, snakes, public speaking, darkness... Me? I'm afraid of heights. Any and all heights. Once I rode a ski lift, and that was one of the scariest things I've done. It didn't help that the ski lift was at a zoo and if I fell it would've been into a tiger's cage. *shivers in memory* 

If you're a writer, you probably have some things you fear that send you running away screaming, notebooks and pencils being scattered in your wake. Whether it's a barrage of plot bunnies or the much-dreaded writer's block, here are five things I've noticed that scare writers (or at least the writer inside me).
1. Having to Tell Someone What Your Story is About
"What's your story about?" 

Ah, the dreaded question that every writer faces at one point or another. You either jump at this question, ready to tell all about your story, or you wish you could hide under a rock until you come up with a good answer. This question comes up in casual conversations, all innocent, and to the non-writer, it's a safe question. But a state of panic is going on in the writer's head, and once some coherent answer comes out, one that usually sounds like, "It's about a human being with hairy feet who goes on an adventure," you can almost see the other person saying, "Is that really the best you can do?" 
2. People Not Liking Your Writing
Who ISN'T afraid of people not liking their writing?! This one's pretty self-explanatory, right? THE FEAR IS REAL WITH THIS ONE. 
3. Having to Watch Someone Read Your Writing 
Maybe this is a fear/pet peeve that I just have... But have you ever handed your writing over to someone to read... And then just couldn't sit there and watch? I hate watching people read my writing. If I hand over a blog post/article/snippet, I have to leave so I'm not staring at the reader's face wondering what's going on in their head. I just... I CAN'T WATCH. I'm afraid of what's going on in their heads as I watch. #problems
4. Losing Your Writing
Whether it's the fear of losing a notebook or having your computer crash and take ALL your hard work down with it, the fear of somehow losing your writing is a particularly paralyzing one. All of your hard work and great "quotable" lines that you cleverly made up... What if they were all taken away?! 

This is a fear I recently had to deal with, as my computer was being stubborn. In my terror, I sent myself back-ups of all of my writing documents. But thankfully, nothing tragic happened. Yet. *nervously looks at computer* 
This is probably the king of all writerly fears (bloggerly fears too, if we're honest) WHAT IF I HAVE NO IDEAS!?!??!?!?!? WHAT IF ALL OF THE OTHER GOOD IEDAS WERE TAKEN AND ALL MY IDEAS ARE GONE?!?!?!?!?!? WHAT IF I NEVER GET AN IDEA AGAIN!?! WHAT IF *fill in the blank here*?!?!? Writer's block is serious business... And a serious worry/dread/fear.

 What are some writerly fears do YOU face? Do you have any to add to my list? 
Which of these fears do you fear the most? 



    Watching other people read my writing is THE WORST TORTURE. *hides* It's like being stretched out on a rack.

    Writers' Block. My old nemesis....


    1. It is so horrible! And if they have expressionless faces it's even WORSE.

  2. Well, I've definitely had to overcome the fear of other people reading my writing - yay for creative writing class!

    If you're worried about losing your writing, I've found that copying everything and pasting it into Google Docs works pretty well. Sure, you have to keep doing it, but at least you've got something if your computer goes kaput.


    1. HOW HAVE I NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT. I'm SO going to paste all of my writing into Google docs as soon as possible. Thanks for the tip, Brianna! =) *feels better about fear #4*

  3. AHHH!! *hides under a blanket for a hundred years* Not just you, trust me. Seriously though, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DESCRIBE MY STORY COHERENTLY--ON THE SPOT--TO A NON-FANTASY READER--IN LESS THAN A MINUTE. Is it humanly possible? *sigh* My dad's been telling me I need to work on my "elevator speech". And I do try, I promise.
    And your last GIF (from Big Hero 6) has me cracking up--and in pain--because I JUST RELATE SO MUCH. *hides face*

    1. IT'S NOT JUST ME! *shares chocolate with you* Someone else understands the pain! Oh, trust me, I'm sure you do better than me. Someone asked me what my story was about and I was like "A girl... And she goes on a trip." xD

      Haha, that's my favorite too! I saw it and knew it was perfect for fear five! I relate so much too! xD

    2. Haha, I'm not sure that's possible! When my Dad asked me to describe my story, I faltered and avoided the question. He says, "You need an elevator speech. Like, 'it's about an elf, who fights a lot. . .'" And I'm like, "Dad, you literally just described my book." Cliche, anyone? It was pathetic. =)

    3. Hey, it sounds like a book that I'd love to read! =)

    4. Well, I'm still writing it, so maybe someday. =)

  4. LOSING MY WORK!!!! When I'm faced with losing my writing, the nearest people too me who know how to use computers tell me to calm down, stop crying, and be serious. When I got a malware bug on my computer and I thought I was going to lose my work... Oh my. Or when the document said that the information was lost. It was SCARY!!! Thankfully, I survived, and so did my book. ;)
    I LOVE HEIGHTS!!! I'm afraid of... NEEDLES!!! Probably watching The Secret of Nimh had something to do with that...

    1. Oh, no! Is your computer okay now? I hope that you don't run into any more scary situations like that-IT'S NO FUN NOT AT ALL!!!

      You're so much braver than me! I'm not a big fan of needles either... But I don't remember the Secret of Nimh, so I don't think that's one reason why. I should probably watch it with my siblings though.

  5. Oh my word, this is so true....
    Great post!!

  6. Watching someone read your writing! So true!! xD

    There are times I hate telling people what my story is about. I sit there thinking, You know, this sounded SO much better in my head....

    Lovely post, Micaiah, thank you!!

    1. I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND THAT FEELING. Sometimes I even feel that way when I write out my ideas!

      Aw, I'm so glad that you enjoyed it, Jeanette! =) You're welcome!

  7. I relate so much. Eventually, I decided I would just memorize an elevator pitch for my novel so I don't ramble on the hairy footed adventurer...
    But still. Every time someone reads my stuff before my very eyes... *dies*. And then the fear of losing my work. My laptop is getting old and slow. I refuse to trust it. XD
    I love this post!

    1. That is such a smart idea and I'm totally going to steal it. xD

      I'm so glad that you loved this and could relate. =) At first I wondered if anyone WOULD relate... And it turns out that I'm not the only one with all of these writerly fears!

  8. THIS WAS SO RELATABLE. Every single one. This post struck fear in my heart.

    1. I'm glad that I wasn't the only one who felt all of these fears! Which is strange, because I shouldn't want anyone to feel these fears.... Now I'm being confusing. xD

  9. The fear of losing one's work and of people asking me what my book is about. *shudder* I can write a decent blurb, but it's kind of awkward to spout out a blurb out loud/in person, and then you end up over-explaining yourself and it just sounds dumb. :P And if my computer ever crashed and died and took all my writing with it I would probably throw myself off a cliff.
    VERY relatable post! XD

    1. It's so true! I even come up with clever tagline and then somehow conveniently forget them. *pouts* I would have a heart attack if all of my writing died with my computer. And then I would cry nonstop. And then do it all over again. xD

  10. YES!!! I'm most terrified of watching people reading my writing. I just...can't do it. ESPECIALLY when it's an early draft or a random idea. XD

    Backing up your work is a really good idea. Ever since I lost 10k that I spent all day writing, I've backed up my work every night. #paranoid XD

    Great post! <3

    1. Oh, it's the worst when it's early draft! I let my mom read an early draft of a short story I wrote and then edited it and felt so embarrassed that she read the unedited part. *hides under a rock*

      OH NO!!! *feels so bad for you* That sounds like the WORST. I'm definitely going to keep backing my work up!

      Thanks! <3

  11. Person: You write? That's cool! What are you writing?
    Me: ahaha um just some s t u f f. [please don't ask or I'll be babbling awkwardly for far too long]
    Person: Can I read it?
    Me: ...
    Me: ahahaa um it's not finished.

    And number 3, though! I sometimes let my mother read my work (not very often, honestly...) and I cannot watch her read it. She'll take the pages and sit behind me, on my bed, and I just sit and stare at my laptop and pretend like I could possibly write while I know she's behind me reading...

    But I'm not actually worried about running out of ideas? Not because I'm overflowing with them... but because if I do run out, I'll just say "GOOD" and go read a book. xD

    Thank you for this post, Micaiah - it's always nice to know we have "normal" writer fears! ;)
    - Jem Jones

    1. Haha, I've never had anyone ask to read some of my writing... Yet. I'm going to take your excuse for if that ever happens. xD

      I let my mom read my work sometimes too. I can't watch anyone in my family read my work! Haha, I feel nervous whenever she reads it, and I just email it to her!

      THAT IS SO AWESOME. I wish I was like that. I always feel like I need more. xD

      Aw, you're welcome, Jem. I'm glad that I'm not the only one. =)

  12. Ooh, I'm afraid of something that you didn't put up. Having an idea for the story then FORGETTING IT ONCE YOU ARE ACTUALLY WORKING ON STORY LATER!!!!

    1. THAT IS SO TRUE!!! I have had that almost happen to me, but I get my ideas jotted down pretty quickly. One reason I always bring a notebook with me wherever I go. ;)


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