Thursday, July 26, 2018

In case you all missed my last post... "DEAR JAMIE, LOVE RORY" IS HERE!!!!! To continue the bloggy celebration in honor of its release,  I'm sharing the playlist I listened to while writing "Dear Jamie, Love Rory."
Click here for the playlist!

Pretty much all of the music on this playlist was music that I listened to on my own trip to California. 

I can still remember singing along to "Take It All Back" on the way to a vineyard in Napa Valley, and playing some Mumford and Sons on repeat. I listened to this playlist on repeat while writing "Dear Jamie, Love Rory," and it still hasn't gotten old. And Nikki just so happens to be a fan of the Lumineers. ;) I hope that you all enjoy listening to the playlist! =) 

And now, it's giveaway time! 

I'm giving away a signed copy "Dear Jamie, Love Rory" and a beautiful California sticker from Kulana Stickers (check out their Etsy shop, you will want EVERYTHING). The sticker is a gorgeous picture of California covered in the state flower--poppies! It'll look great on a notebook, a water bottle, a phone case-whatever you can dream up for it!

Still working on my photography "skills." xD 

Aren't they pretty? AND I AM GOING TO POINT OUT THAT COVER AGAIN (I still can't believe my name is on there, or how pretty it is...). Enter below, but be sure to hurry! The giveaway ends on August 9! 

Click here to buy "Dear Jamie, Love Rory" and see some more fun extras! 
Click here to buy "Dear Jamie, Love Rory" on Kindle. 

Do you listen to music while writing? Will you be entering the giveaway? 


  1. I am so excited that you got published!! Way to go! =D

  2. It's beautiful Micaiah! I can't wait to read it! I went on the kindle link, but it said it's not available for purchase.
    I'll have to check back. I'm so happy for you!
    Great music choices!

    1. Aw, thank you, Skye! =) Hhhmmm, that's strange. I used the same link and clicked on the button to purchase the current issue, and I was able to get it.
      And thanks again! =)

  3. Congratulations again, Micaiah!! So excited for you!

    And that playlist is awesome!

    1. Thank you so much, Nicole! =D

      Glad you like it! =)

  4. AAAAAAAHHH CONGRATULATIONS!!!! So happy for you! <3 <3

  5. Oh my goshhh I have been very absent as of late and I'm sorry but I happened to be checking my email when your blogpost arrived and I personally adore the names Jamie and Rory so I had to see what it this was about! Then I saw a PLAYLIST and basically music is life so yas. AND THEN I SAW YOU PUBLISHED A STORY LIKE WHAAAAT GIRLLLL!!!!!!! I am sooo proud of you that is really amazing!! AHHHH I can't even tell you how thrilled I am! And I can't wait to read iiiit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    by the way, I'm sorry again for being so absent in the blogsphere, I am going to try to be better at commenting and posting and stuff but WE'LL SEE LIFE IS VERY HECTIC FOR ME RIGHT NOW.
    all my love and all the best,

    1. Esther! This comment made me smile SO much! Thank you for this! I’m so excited for you to read it and can’t wait to hear what you think. =D

      No need to apologize, I completely understand life being hectic! Looking forward to having you back in the blogosphere, and I hope life slows down for you. =)

  6. Congratulations, Micaiah! I have yet to listen to/draw inspiration from specific music for writing, but you sharing this playlist has made me rethink that.

    1. Also, could you let me know what GFC means? I'm not familiar with the term...

    2. Thank you so much, Grace! I love getting inspiration from music. It really helps me with writer’s block. Let me know if you try it out! =)

      GFC means Google follower count, which means the little widget on the side of my blog titled “Follow Me!” When you follow me there, you get three entries in the giveaway and my posts will show up in your Blogger reading list. =) I hope this helps!

    3. Okay, I understand now. Thanks so much!

  7. Congratulations on publishing your book! That's pretty exciting.
    Thanks for the chance to enter your giveaway.


    1. Thank you so much, Ashley! I am very excited to have my little story published. =) And you’re most welcome.

  8. Congrats! That's so exciting. I do listen to music, I like making playlists for my books on Spotify!

    1. Thanks! Making playlists for books is the one of the best forms of procrastination AND inspiration. =)

  9. YAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gosh, you must be over the moon!!!! Such a beautiful cover, too :) WELL DONE!!!!! <3 <3 <3

    1. I am WAY over the moon!!! =D Isn’t it? I LOVE IT SO MUCH. Thank you so much, Jeanette!

  10. This is so exciting!!! I can't believe this is actually happening, Micaiah. :) Congrats!

    1. Isn’t it? =D I’m having a hard time believing it too! Thank you! =)

  11. CONGRATS!!! All of the music on your playlist is AMAZING, I can't wait to read this book!!! <3 <3

    1. Oh, also, my favorite type of cupcake is vanilla because I am a plain jane. ;D

    2. Aw, thank you so much!!! <3 I can’t wait for you to read it either! Vanilla cupcakes are so good! Haha, there’s no shame in being a plain Jane. ;)

  12. Oh my goodness, the COVER of your book 😍 it’s so gorgeous. And it sounds so interesting! Even if I don’t win I’ll definitely purchase a copy :D

    1. I completely and totally agree with you, Hann! <3 Thank you! Best of luck in the giveaway! =)

  13. I AM SO SO EXCITED!! I read that interview and wow wow it sounds so good! I cannot wait to read it! I'm going to enter the giveaway and probably buy a Kindle copy cos I can't wait ;D

    1. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! <3 I cannot WAIT for you to get to read it! =D Good luck in the giveaway! =)

  14. This is so exciting, Micaiah! That you got to publish this, and now you are doing a giveaway... how real did it make it feel to sign your name in that book :D?!

    1. Thank you very much for this, Bri! =) It's so surreal to sign my name in something I wrote. It's such a crazy feeling!

  15. Congratulations again, Micaiah!!!! The story behind this work was so sweet and interesting,and I can't wait to read it (kindle copy here I come)! I love seeing and listening to soundtracks for books,and this one has a lot of new songs in it - looking forward to listening to it!

    1. Thanks so much, True! I can't wait for you to read it, and listen to the playlist! =D


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