Beautiful Books-2017 Writing Goals

Saturday, January 14, 2017

It's 2017, guys. Which means it's time to start hacking away at our writing goals. Which means I'll be doing the Beautiful Books 2017 Writing Goals Link-Up. The draft I'm going to be rambling non stop about talking about today is the first draft of Runaway, my novel (learn more about Connor and Kyle's story here).

Shall we begin with the questions?

I WROTE A NOVEL GUYS I WROTE A NOVEL!!!! Runaway's first draft is done and sitting in my closet with its notebook friends. *pets the pretty notebooks* I also wrote a short story, One Last Time, and had some awesome beta readers look at it (thank you so much guys!). I entered and won a couple Monday's Minute Challenge contests and guest posted on Savannah's blog. That's all my fickle memory can think of at the moment. =)

So much I want to do, so little time… I totally want to do at least one Nano. I’d love to send Runaway to betas so they can give me aaalllll the comments and to have its third draft DONE by January first, if Connor and Kyle cooperate… I also want to send some articles/stories to other publications.

RUNAWAY. RUNAWAY RUNAWAY RUNAWAY. That is my number one priority right now, editing that story. *insert groans from my characters here* But in the meantime, I have plot bunnies for a Nano novel hopping ALL OVER THE PLACE in my head. *hides from bunnies* 

Guys I actually did my own photography for this ENTIRE post! =D 
I hope to master the whole showing-not-telling thing a little more, and I also hope to get better with my settings. I've noticed that I've had a hard time with those. 

Well, um, you see, I don’t really have a general editing process. Everything I write has a different process. For example, with my novella, I went through it but by bit with Tessa Emily Hall and made tweaks along the way. Right now, I’m doing some HUGE edits on Runaway, so that looks way different than the touching up I did to A Sleep So Deep. THIS STUFF IS SERIOUS BUSINESS.

I’d give it a 5. It’s way messy and bare bones, in need of some major plot changes and character building. BUT IT IS MY BABY SO IT GETS A FIVE.

Say hello to Runaway. THIS IS THE NOTEBOOK. 

The plot. I cannot say this enough. THE PLOT NEEDS WORK. Go Teen Writers by Jill Williamson and Stephanie Morrill is helping out A LOT.

My characters. *hugs Connor and Kyle and Kayla and allll the characters* I’ve grown so attached to them… *wipes eyes* They grow up so fast! Just don't tell Connor I said that.

AFTER EDITING??? I... Have no clue. Probably some querying. I really want to publish something, and Runaway may be THE ONE. 

And then I'll hide in a dark hole forever. With a good supply of chocolate and novels. A notebook or two may be allowed. 

Reward yourself, then take a break. You just wrote the bare bones of a book. Your brain may crash if you don't take a break. Plus, it's always good to look at you novel with a fresh set of eyes awhile later.   =)
*gives you candy if you actually read this entire thing* What are your writerly goals for 2017? What stage is your novel in? What advice would you give your past self when you were writing your first draft? 


  1. *snacks on candy because I read the entire thing* *and enjoyed it muchly* xD

    This was an awesome post, Micaiah! I was super happy to see you'd joined the latest Beautiful Books - and OH MY did you do a good job with your photography! You should do a post about how you photograph books and such (like you did in this post) sometime, that'd be cool ;).

    ANYWAYS, enough rambling. Thank you for sharing your writerly things with us! You accomplished awesome stuff last year, and I can't wait to see what's going to happen for you in 2017! Killing Snow is in draft ... four, I think? Pretty sure it's four xD.

    Here's wishing you the best with your goals! <3

    ~ Savannah

    1. Thanks so much, Savannah! =) I was excited to join in the awesomeness! Aw, thanks! I might, although I didn't really do much special, and I did touch the pictures up quite a bit.

      You're most welcome! Thank you! =) Oh, I hope I get to read the novel Killing Snow!

  2. YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY IS AWESOME! (I am very guilty of bad pictures or none at all. lol)

    It's so cool that you wrote that entire draft in a notebook. I used to do that, and wish I could find the motivation to do so again :P And characters help me through my first drafts too :)

    I'm currently knee-deep (or in over my head...) in a sequel. Gosh, one scene moved me to tears earlier today--probably because I was so sorry about what I did to my character XD

    Good luck with all those wonderful goals! :)

    audrey caylin

    1. Thank you so much, Audrey! =)

      The funny thing is, I set out to write it on Word and it ended up on paper somehow. xD

      I understand the feeling! A writer's job is to ruin their characters' lives and then fix them. Maybe.

      Thank you!

  3. Such a fun post! Best of luck editing Runaway :)


  4. It was kind of exciting to see my own name pop up there towards the end as one of your character's names. ;) Also: the pictures were gorgeous! Wow!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Wow - you write your stories in actual notebooks? That's awesome! I've tried to do that, but I've never been able to.

    Your photography is so pretty!

    My main goal for this year is to finish up my steampunk/fairyland mashup novel, Karissa Goldlock's Guide to (Almost) Utterly Everything. It's pretty close to done, however, and I'm not quite sure what I'll do after that. I'll probably either revamp my fantasy series or pick my heaven vs. hell novella back up.

    I checked out your writings page, and Runaway sounds quite fabulous! If you're looking for beta readers, I'd be happy to help. :)

    Ellie | On the Other Side of Reality

    1. It was a pretty... Well, interesting thing. My right hand is very happy with the new typing arrangement. =)

      Thank you so much!

      Oh, that sounds awesome! I've never finished a fantasy novel or tried steampunk, although I love reading both genres. I really should, but for now, I'll ruin character's lives in the contemporary genre. =) I hope all the writing goes well!

      Thank you so much! I'd love to have you read allll the words. =)

  7. Sounds like great things are happening at your writing desk, Micaiah! Runaway sounds like a neat story!
    Also, the notebook it's in is so cool looking! Your photography is great.

  8. YOU WRITE YOUR BOOKS IN A NOTEBOOK? That is so cool! I used to do that when I was younger, but OOOHHH MY HAND WAS NOT IN FAVOR OF IT. xD So now I just type =P

    Runaway sounds amazing! I checked out your blurb, and EEEEP IT LOOKS SO GOOD. It sounds like 2016 was a great writing year for you, and I hope 2017 is an even better one! YOU GOT THIS.

    autumn's readings + writings

    1. Thanks, Autumn! Haha, my hand was whining quote a bit and is very pelased with the new typing situation. =)

      Thank you so much! It make me super excited when people say that! It was a really good year! Thank you. =)

  9. Congratulations on your novel! That's so cool that you do your books in a notebook... I think I would die if I tried to write that many words longhand. ^_^

    1. Thank you! =) My hand probably almost did die, lol.


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