Eight Of My Favorite Writing Resources

Sunday, January 22, 2017

There are so many wonderful resources for writers-books, blogs, mentorship opportunities. Here are eight of my favorite writing resources that I hope will help you in whatever stage you're in. 

When I was a beginning writer, I had NO CLUE how to do anything. *insert head bang here* I needed someone to come alongside me and help me grow in my writing and teach me about the industry. The amazing Tessa Emily Hall did just that for me-and more. Click here for details.

The Go Teen Writers blog is extremely helpful-tips and encouragement for teen writers are posted often on here. My blogger friend Savannah recently guest posted on there, so definitely go check it out! And not only is there a blog...

But there's also a book! *happy dance* Go Teen Writers by Stephanie Morrill and Jill Williamson has advice for editing, platforming, formatting your manuscript, pitching your novel, and more. I'm currently macro-editing and this book has been SO helpful. If you have a first draft on your hands, definitely go read this. 

The Emotion Thesaurus by Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi is another book on writing that I love. It includes ways a person might feel internally during a certain emotion, how it looks externally, signs of a suppressed emotion, and quick writing tips after each entry. I highly recommend it for people like me who need some help showing and not telling, or for anyone who would like some help in describing their characters.

She's Novel is absolutely AMAZING.  The blog has helpful tips for writers, plus there's workshops, novel planners, and more! I'd definitely recommend She's Novel for all writers. 

Jody Hedlund's blog also has helpful advice for writers. I also LOVE her medieval YA series and am currently waiting excitedly for the next book... *stares at calendar* 

And when you thought I couldn't link to enough blogs... *laughs* I LOVE BLOGS. Tessa's blog Christ Is Write is one of my favorites. Not only does she post advice and encouragement for writers, but she also has a Monday's Minute Challenge writing prompt contest that is super fun. *shoos you away to check it out*

Recently, the Rebelution has started a couple programs for writers. There's a WriterScore tool to measure your growth and development as a writer, new blog posts, and upcoming Young Writers Workshop. Go join in all the awesomeness! 

*gapes at all the links I added* *decides that's fine because I had to put something together and hope this is not as messy as I think* I hope that some of these resources will be able to help you as a writer!

What are some writing resources you'd recommend? What types of posts do you put together last minute? Have you heard of or used any of these resources? 


  1. This was a great post, Micaiah!

    Here are some recommendations for you. =)
    The Introverted-Extrovert, Twilight To Dawn, and The Bare Foot Gal. =) I would say Taking My Time, and Scattered Scribblings, but you already read those blogs. =)

    What posts do I throw together at last minute? Random picture posts. =)

    Have a great day! And, again, this was a very nice post. =) Thank you for posting it. =)
    Jaidyn Elise

    1. Thank you so much, Jaidyn! =)

      Oh, thank you for the recommendations! *scurries away to check them out*

      You're welcome! I hope this has helped! =)

    2. You're welcome!!

      Your very welcome! I'm glad you've gone to check them out!

      It did. =)

      Jaidyn Elise

  2. Thanks for sharing, Micaiah! I'm probably going to be looking back at this!

    Have you taken the Rebelution WriterScore? My Dad sent it to me recently, and I took it. I got the highest score you can in "Starter", which from their description, sounds pretty accurate.

    The posts I throw together last minute are the ones I have scheduled (but didn't start writing beforehand) so all my readers are waiting for them. :-/ It often takes me a couple days to write a post. And sometimes I write it, and then post it a few days later, just because I don't feel ready just after I write it. Not sure why. ;-)

    1. You're welcome, Hanna! =)

      I have, and I was, if I remember correctly, a planner, which I suppose is quite accurate.

      I only post once a week so I can work on a post a little at a time, and then I post it on the weekend. last week I was lazy, and I'd better get to work right now for this week's. =) i understand not wanting to post something right away! =)

  3. I love the Reb, Go Teen Writers, and She's Novel--I'll definitely look at the others too!


    1. It's awesome that you love those too! =) Hope this helps!

  4. thanks for sharing these resources! i love Go Teen Writers and She's Novel! they're both so helpful! i'll have to check out the others also!


  5. Ooooh! These resources are awesome, Micaiah! I just found literally a dozen web pages I want to scour over for the next week XD

    Oh, the WriterScore! I've taken it a few times as well! Are you on the Facebook group? The videos have been so great so far!!!

    Thank you for sharing all these!

    audrey caylin

    1. Thanks, Audrey! =) I hope they help!

      I'm not on the FaceBook group-I don't do social media, and I haven't seen the videos yet, but I really like the words of wisdom from teen authors!

      You're welcome. =)

  6. I love this! :D Definitely going to check out ALL of these.

    "The Emotion Thesaurus"? I didn't even know that it existed, but I could probably use it. :P On a scale of 1 to 10, how much does it help you?

    *goes to check out all of the wonderful things*

    1. Thanks, Karyssa! =)

      Hhhhmmm... I'd give it a five or six, because I'm always forgetting that I own it when writing. xD

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