6 Things My Mom Has Taught Me

Monday, May 15, 2017

Yesterday was Mother's Day. I know, I know, this post is 24 hours late, but my excuse is in my opinion, EVERY day should be Mother's Day. Moms do so much that they need more than a day of appreciation. After all, mothers are like doctors, cooks, teachers, therapists, errand-runners, dropper-offers, and so much more rolled up in one human being.

This Mother's Day, I couldn't help but think of all the things my mom has taught me over the years. Sure, as my teacher, she's taught me everything I know from my ABC's to 9x2=18, but she's also taught me more than that, lessons that will stick in my head and heart longer than the quadratic formula. Here are just five of those lessons....

My Mom Has Taught Me....
What A Godly Woman Looks Like. 
What comes to your mind when the word lady pops up? An English noblewoman with impeccable manners and a gorgeous dress? A woman with a kind, gentle heart? When I think of the word lady, one of the people that pops up in my mind is my mom. Sure, she may not live in an English mansion or ride around in a barouche, but she's every bit of the lady little girls dream of becoming. Watching my mom act and speak like a lady has shown me what a godly woman, or a godly lady, looks like. I hope that one day I can be at least half of the woman my mom is.  
To Try, Try Again. 

My mom has taught me not only to have patience, but to try. And if you don’t succeed, try, try again. Don’t get the correct answer to a problem in school? Try, try again. Failed at that recipe? Do over! Couldn’t figure something out? Google it! Try, try again.
To Have Patience.
I am not a very patient human being. However, patience is a trait that my mom showcases with flying colors. How she is patient with my siblings and me all day every day and is STILL sane is beyond me. By watching her, I've learned that patience is more than not going insane in the checkout line at the supermarket. Patience, from my observations, is more like an attitude of grace and calmness when things aren't exactly going your way. Every day, I try to be as patient as my mom. One day, maybe I will. *waits impatiently for that day to come* 
Mother's Day makes me think of flowers. Hence all the flowery pictures. =D
To Be Myself.
My mom has ALWAYS wanted my siblings and I to not give into peer pressure and be something we're not. She's always wanted us to be ourselves and hold onto our values despite all the pressure being put on us. She's taught us that we are wonderful creations handcrafted by God, and that we shouldn't go along with what everyone is is doing. 
To Love God.
This is probably the most important lesson my mom has taught me. To love God with all I've got no matter what, and to follow him at all times. She's taught it to me through Bible lessons, the words she speak, and the way she acts, which brings me to the next lesson my mom has taught me..... 
To Love Others.
There's a sign that hangs in our living room with a quick run down of Mark 12:30-31. Love God. Love others. The way my mom selflessly serves the people around her has taught me to love others. As I’ve watched her open our home to guests, love and respect my father, teach and care for my siblings and I, and basically just live, I’ve learned what it looks like to deny oneself for others.
Yes, I am taller than my mom. I don't know how that happened. At all. xD
Mom, thank you for teaching me all of this and so much more. Thank you for being a shoulder to cry on and a role model to look up to. Thank you for all you do, from making muffins and doing laundry to reading Jane Eyre and watching Downton Abbey with me (we still have quite a few episodes, by the way =)). Love you, Mom! 

EDIT: This post was originally titled "5 Things My Mom Has Taught Me" but I realized that I actually had six things written after I published it. xD *hides face* Don't worry.... I fixed it. 

 What are some things your mom has taught you? What did you do for your mom on Mother’s Day? Please tell me you also enjoy Downton Abbey, and that everything Jane Austen and Jane Eyre makes you flail. Let’s chat!


  1. Ah, this is such a sweet post! I like it. :) You're right - every day should be mother's day. Thanks for sharing some of the things you mum has taught you - it sounds like she's a wonderful person and godly role-model. It's nice to see a photo of your family too. :)

    1. Aw, thanks, Jessica! =) And you're so welcome! She is a wonderful role model and overall human being-I love her to pieces.

  2. Sweet post, Micaiah!!! #loveit

  3. AWWWWWW! This is sooo sweet!<3

  4. Love this post so much! So sweet. My mom has taught me many things, but out of those things I think one of the biggest is compassion. She's very very thoughtful and caring, and I'm just so blessed to be her daughter:))

    JANE AUSTEN AND JANE EYRE. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

    Bless, Jazzy @ Thriving Hope

    1. Thank you, Jazzy! That is a great lesson to learn from your mother, she sounds like a great mom. =)


  5. So sweet! I love it! My mom is the best too!

  6. Awww I love this post! Moms are seriously the best. One of the things that I love most about my mom is that she's a problem solver. If there's something that isn't working (a recipe, a math problem, a novel's plot...), she's going to find a way to make it work, and has taught me to approach problems with the same determination.


    audrey caylin

    1. Thanks, Audrey! =) They are the best! Wow, it sounds like your mom is super awesome! =D That's a great thing to learn from your mom!

  7. What a beautiful post! My mom has taught me that beauty comes from the inside, no matter what. She's always told us that when my sister and I were young, so that we wouldn't hesitate to believe it. Now, I get my doubts, but I always come back to her words. <3

    And haha, yes! *waits impatiently with you to be patient* XD

    May @ Forever and Everly ;)

    1. Thank you, May! =) Aw, that is one of the best things to learn from your mom, and she's so true! =)

  8. I have not seen Downtown Abbey but me, my sis and my mom's favorite movie to watch together is the newer version of Pride and Prejudice. =)

    I love my mom so much and would not be the same without her!! She is very patient to me and is an awesome listener. I don't know how she ever has the patience to listen to my constant chatter. xD

    - Lilly Shyree (alillyingodsgarden.blogspot.com)

    1. Oh, that is a GREAT movie! Who is your favorite character in Pride and Prejudice? =)

      Haha, I'm not the only one who talks my mom's ears off. xD

  9. This was such a beautiful post, Micaiah. I spent two weeks with your Mom in China, and she seemed like a great mother. And yes, she seems to have mastered patience and grace!

    I've never tried Jane Eyre, but YES JANE AUSTEN!! <3

    1. Thank you, Hanna! =) I wish I could've been there in China to meet you and your family, but from what I've read and heard of from my parents, your mom is pretty awesome too. =)

      YES JANE AUSTEN!!!!! *high five*

  10. Hi there!!
    I've just found your blog!!
    Ohh my I absolutely love it!! Your posts are amazing! I'll definitely stick around <3
    I'm new on the blogging world, in case you'd like to check my blog out. If not, that's alright. I'll still be reading your gorgeous posts!! <3


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